We ensure your website stays up no matter what you decide to host!
All of our Hosting Services are clearnet Bulletproof equiped with FastFlux module. You don't have to worry about REDFLAGS anymore.
Our Servers have Encrypted Data Input module thus files uploaded are completely encrypted using a GP Key unique to each SSD.
Your Data is in Safe Hands. All network outbound traffic are sent through TAP Tunnels with Base64 Encryption. No one can trace you back.
Using our FastFlux Module, every website hosted on our servers available to public automatically change its Frontend IP on a 6 Second interval.
Our Hosting Packages and VPS are equiped with Unique FastFlux jumper modules which switches your Host IP from one Country to Another in a Fraction of Seconds which are not at all linked to our Master Server which easily allow us to Avoid Takedown from Authorities and Corporations like SPAMHAUS, DNSBL and other similar monitors easily.
Plesk/cPanel VPS
AT FLUXHOST we provide our clients with technical infrastructure that is resilient to complaints of almost any activities, which serves as a basic building block for streamlining numerous types of contents, but, we strictly disallow having any highlighted content such as
child-porn or arms/drugs marketing web pages. In trend, most of our Bulletproof Hosting services are dns spoofed infrastructures from
lower end service providers (hosting ISPs, cloud CDNs) instead of from monolithic providers such as AWS which makes us the most invisibles.
This has rendered many of the prior methods of detecting our IPv4 less effective, since instead of the infrastructure being highly
concentrated within a few malicious Autonomous Systems (ASes) it is now agile and dispersed across a larger set of providers that is used for
DNS spoofing & Reverse IP for our servers.
FLUXHOST, presents the first systematic line2line server connection on this platform of Bulletproof
Hosting services. By collecting and analyzing a large amount of data of the entire Whois IPv4 address space, we have a 1.5 TB of passive DNS
spoofing network to skim out of several blacklist feeds, thus, we are able to identify a set of new features that uniquely characterizes
on any sub-allocations but then we are costly to evade. Based upon these features, classifier for detecting malicious sub-allocated network blocks,
fails a 97% recall of our actual IPv4 and 2.5% false discovery rate of our IPv6. Using a trained version of our own personal classifier, we also
scan the whole IPv4 and 6 address space and detect any faulty DNS Spoofing network blocks. This allows us to perform a large-scale study
to avoid any detection from other ecosystems, which sheds light on this underground business strategy, including patterns of network blocks
being recycled and clients being migrated to different network blocks, in an effort to evade IP address based blacklisting.